Deltagande i studien

This survey is a part of a research project, "Inclusion and exclusion at University West" which will gather data durong spring 2022. The aim is to map and understand how employees and students at University West feel that ethnicity, and other grounds for discrimination, influences once conditions and possibilities within the academy.

The survey is anonymous. The reseracher will havno means of detecting the ID of the person answering the the survey. We in the research group follow the ethics rules for research on humans from Vetenskapsrådet (Swedish research council). These rules state that: - It is always voluntary to participate. You can, without motivation, stop participating at any time if you wish to. All material that is gathered within the project will be treated as confidential data. This means that no unauthorized personell will have access to the material.
Any material will be treated according to the data protection act
  (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR). The questionnaire and the procedure for gathering data has been approved by  Etikprövningsmyndigheten in Sweden.     Responsible for the study is:  Professor Kerstin von Brömssen  Institutionen för individ och samhälle  Högskolan Väst  Tfn. 0520-223775      


I have read the information above and wish to participate in the study.


What is your legal sex?

What is your gender?

How old are you?

Where you born in Sweden?

When did you come to Sweden?

Are you a member of any church, religious association or religion? 

What is your sexual orientation?

What department do you mainly study or work at?

Do you have any disability or functional impairment? 

Have you felt the need to adapt your life at University West due to physical ability (for instance movability, sight or hearing)?

Have you felt the need to adapt your life at University West due to your mental health? 

Have you felt the need to adapt your life at University West due to your neuropsychological health?

Do you have children living at home? 

Would you say that your ability to communicate in Swedish hinders you in your education/work?

Are you studying a program where the main language is English?

Would you say that your ability to communicate in English hinders you in your education/work?

Does any of your parents have an academic degree, i.e. the equivalent of a minimum three years university education?  (If you have any comments please write them in the box below)

If you where to describe the type of home that you grew up in, which of the different types of homes below would best describe your home? (Comments or other types of homes can be written in the box below)

Have you ever felt that you could not participate in an activity due to lack of economical resources? For instance buying course literature or participate in a student activity. 


Mark the response you feel represent your experiences of the following statements: 

My contributions to discussions in the classroom is appreciated by the teachers 

Totally disagree

Totally agree


My teachers encourage me to ask questions 

Totally disagree

Totally agree


My teachers encourage me to actively participate in the education

Totally disagree

Totally agree


At least one teacher has shown interest in my academic development

Totally disagree

Totally agree


My teachers believe in my ability to succeed in my studies

Totally disagree

Totally agree


I can study together with other students at University West if I want too. 

Totally disagree

Totally agree


I feel a sense of community with other students/colleagues at University West 

Totally disagree

Totally agree


I feel comfortable being at University West 

Totally disagree

Totally agree


I feel respected at University West 

Totally disagree

Totally agree


I would recommend others to work at University West 

Totally disagree

Totally agree


I would recommend other to study at University West 

Totally disagree

Totally agree



Have you, during the last year, hear a student make any derogatory comments about 

Elderly people

Younger people



A person’s sexual orientation 

A person’s nonbinary gender  

A person’s disability 

A person’s nationality 

A person's religion

A person’s ethnicity 

A person’s skin colour

A person’s ability to speak Swedish 

A poor person

Have you, during the last year, heard a member of staff, i.e. a lecturer/researcher or technical or administrative personnel, make any derogatory comments about  

Elderly people 

Younger people



A person’s sexual orientation 

A person’s nonbinary gender  

A person’s disability 

A person’s nationality 

Personers religion

A person’s ethnicity 

A person’s skin colour

A person’s ability to speak Swedish 

A poor person

Have you, during the last year, heard or seen any of the following behaviors from a student or a member of staff at University West? 

You answered that you heard someone tell at least on derogatory offensive joke, toward which of the category below where the jokes aimed (multiple answers possible) 

Have you during the last year been treated differently due to any of the following: gender, gender identity, ethnicity, religious believes,  disability, sexual orientation, or age? 

I know who to turn to at University West if I feel that I have been mistreated 

Do you feel that University West takes equal value/equal treatment seriously? 

Do you feel that University West takes discrimination seriously? 

If you would like to participate in an interview about inclusion/discrimination, please contact for the opportunity to participate.
A great THANK YOU for participating in the study!